Beyond destiny
Can we go beyond our fortune written by God? Is there a god? Well, I don’t know and nobody knows. We come across people each and every day who show us the idea of God as an omnipotent figure. They say that no one gets more than their fortune written by god. Another thing which we hear frequently is that “Nothing is impossible and GO FOR IT”. Which one to follow? No one knows perfectly.
This article is nothing but about the double standards revolving around the struggle of a man(women). We always look for our better self.We win and the innumerable theories of great and legendary philosophers come true thus making us a symbol of achievers who writes his own ‘FORTUNE’. A famous Renaissance philosopher Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola once said, ”To[Man] it is granted to have whatever he chooses, to be whatever he wills”.
Once we fail in achieving something then everything comes down to the reason of God as being the ruler of our future. The idea of a lost freewill overtakes everything and leaves us as pawns In the world. The desire of achieving is shattered. The myth of Icarus always comes to my mind to support this reason as he lost his life because of his yearning to achieve beyond the limits. He tried once to reach near the sun ignoring the warning by god and had to pay by losing his life.
Can there be some standards set as default so that one can keep in mind the limits of one's own?Questionable? Obviously yes. How can someone choose standards for anybody else? So what’s the truth? Should we lose hope and accept whatever we get or go beyond and grab what we long for? Well we should definitely go for our targets forgetting everything else and be victorious in our life. At last, we should think of our lives in an optimistic manner and go for our goals.
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